Friday, October 27, 2006

My name is Manuelo Fraggan I'm 16 years old and live in Stockholm Sweden.
I blog about what interests me most and that is: Steampunk and everything related to it. Paramotoring with big birds following me in the sky. Free diving with dolphins. Biking everywhere with my Birdy foldable bike. Fashion. My favorite designer now is Lablee Hombres!
In the pics here you will only see me wearing Lablee Hombres and Lablee Unisex stuff. I say wow!
I also have a great interest in interior design and my favorite is... yes you guessed right. Lablee Interiores.
Interiores not Interiors... you thought I misspelled it, nooo way it is a South American brand. Arriba arriba hombres y mujeres...
But finally and what is most exiting and has made my life sooo exiting is my passion for higher dimensions.
There is even a book being written right now! Watch out: for pics and stories. The story is unfolding and the book is being created, right now as you are reading this.
Manuelo F.

1 comment:

Nils Pihlblad said...

Hi Manuelo!
Let me know more about your are only 16 how do you manage?